Monday, December 21, 2009

Chicago Bound - Good Bye BKK

It's time. I am heading back the states, but I am not sad. I am grateful for the wonderful opportunity to travel and live out one of my dreams. I am in Carla's apartment in Bangkok and packing up my stuff. I arrived with one suitcase and I am leaving with three. HA! I'm going to miss Bangkok shopping. Funny enough, I am in BKK alone. Liza and Carla are back in Chicago for the holidays and Julie is still prancing around in Koh Lanta. But it feels great. I have gotten to know the city well enough that I am running around like a mad women with t-minus 10 hours until take-off. I'm not sleeping tonight. Once I'm done packing, it's off to Cheap Charlie's for one last beer, some night market shopping, street food and a train ride to see my pals, Nida, Lu and their brand new baby, Cat.

Thank you Bangkok for a wonderful adventure. I am so lucky because I found a wonderful family in Bangkok. Thanks Liza, Fede, Ron, Shirley, Krystal, Nida, Lu and Cat for being my BKK familia. Most of all, thank you Carli for your unconditional friendship. I love you.

See you later Bangkok. Chicago, here I come!

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