Friday, November 27, 2009

Pyramid Valley

Friends! I have just returned to Bangkok from a spectacular three week adventure in India. As I mentioned before, Bridget and I embarked on our India adventure together and enjoyed our stay with Anita. Anita is retired, and nearly two yeas ago, left her super powerful business life behind in San Diego and ventured into a 24/7 spiritual journey that includes daily meditation. For these reasons, Bridget and I were excited about coming to India and learning more about meditation through Anita.

We wasted no time diving into meditation. On our first day Anita took us to Pyramid Valley just two hours south of Bangalore. The main attraction at the Pyramid Valley campus is the Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid which stands 104 feet tall and can hold up to 5,000 persons inside. The main purpose of visiting the pyramid is to meditate. During different times of the year, communal meditation sessions and retreats take place. According to the Pyramid Valley website, an enourmous amount of energy is stored within pyramid structures, which makes it a much more powerful meditation experience. Two-thirds up from the base of the pyramid is a platform where anyone can sit and meditate. Meditating at this level is said to increase healing energy and alter one's state of consciousness.

Before learning about this and not really knowing the purpose and effects of pyramid meditation, Bridget and I willingly and happily went for the two hour drive to Pyramid Valley simply because Anita suggested it. We learned that our blind faith in Anita paid off as we all had quite an interesting experience during the pyramid meditation. I have been meditating for nearly four years now and enjoy it very much, but my meditation at Pyramid Valley was different than other experience. During my meditation, I literally felt like I was being cradled in two enormous arms. I knew that I was in the pyramid physically, but during the meditation I was very far away. I experienced a number of other things, but being cradled was by far the most unique effect. Because I was aware of my physical body lying on the pyramid platform, and because I felt like I was floating, I decided to come back just in case something was wrong and make sure that the platform wasn't about to collapse. I started to come back by feeling the cement ground with my hands, then the metal railing. I opened my eyes and confirmed that the platform was definitely NOT moving. I was relieved but more excited about going back into the meditation and floating once again.

Anita and Bridget also felt a unique sensation during their meditation. Anita felt like she was floating and Bridget felt like she was experiencing a mini earth-quake. Bridget wasn't convinced, and Anita had to show Bridget that the platform was made of cement and not suspended by cables. As we left the pyramid, Anita spoke to one of the staffers and was informed that the floating sensation was the soul rejoicing and speaking to us. How happy I was to learn that my soul simply wanted to cuddle.

I recorded a clip right after the experience and I have included it below. I am also sharing pictures of the pyramid and the road trip to the pyramid campus. If you are interested in learning more about Pyramid Valley and the positive effects of meditation, please visit

Pyramid Valley