Saturday, December 19, 2009

Rainy Island Days

In my last entry I was very excited to announce that we were going to enjoy a beach bumming afternoon. Well, that last for about two hours, which was not nearly enough sun time. After settling in the sand and swimming a bit, it began to sprinkle rain. Julissa was not ready to pack up, so we stayed a little longer. After all, I love swimming in the rain, so I was OK with the drizzle. Not five minutes later, it began to pour. The rain came down so hard that it was raining up from the ocean. There was no place to take cover. Julissa and I began to laugh uncontrollably. She thought it was going to lightly drizzle, but she had not taken a look at the dark cloud looming behind her. When the rain started we began to run for cover, but we were about a fifteen minute run away from any covering. I suggested we just enjoy the water and take a swim. Julissa stopped suddenly, looked at me and with wide eyes and big smile said, "Sure, why not!" Twenty minutes later the rain had passed and we decided to trek back to our bungalow before we got caught in another storm. After we showered and dressed, I suggested a nap. Julissa said she was not tired and we compromised on a twenty minute nap. Five hours later, we awoke refreshed, energized and hungry. During our nap, it began to rain once again and we slept through the most wonderful rainfall I have ever lived through. Because our hut is in the jungle, the setting was perfect for a rainy afternoon nap. One of my favorite things to do is sleep. Sleeping in the rain is even better. Sleeping in a hut, in a jungle during an island getaway in Thailand AND during a rainstorm takes the cake. It was, by far, one of my favorite naps and memory of my island adventure.

The story continues....

After our five hour nap, we had dinner at this cute Thai and Mediterranean restaurant. Julissa ordered seafood fried rice, which was served in a carved out pineapple. Although the portion seemed small, it was like eating never ending rice because it took forever to finish. For the first time during my stay in Thailand, I had a chicken sandwich with french fries. I was served on a baguette with the works, and best of all, it was fried chicken. That was a yummy surprise.

The bar next to our eatery was playing live music, which we enjoyed for free during dinner. We enjoyed it so much that we decided to stay at the bar for the rest of the night. The live music was a solo guitarist playing acoustic guitar. The guitarist was Filipino and played everything from Morrissey, Santana, Marley, The Beatles and Cold Play. He was really good. We sang along to every song, even if we did not know all the words. Once he was done playing, the DJ began to play top 40 tunes. One of the last songs of the evening was Michael Jackson's Thriller. Out of the blue, Julissa and I managed to coordinate a quick choreography and the entire bar stopped to watch us dance. I guess they really enjoyed the performance because at the end of our "show" they erupted in applause. "They" consisted of fifteen or so patrons, but nonetheless, they were clapping and we were falling on the floor laughing. It was a great night and the perfect way to spend our second day in Railay. The perfect nap, and the best darn Thriller improv Railay has ever seen. At least we think so.

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